
Asia Pacific Journal of EU Studies

home학회발간물Asia Pacific Journal of EU Studies

I. Paper Submission

1. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Submission of a paper also implies that, upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will transfer copyright of the article to the publisher. It is understood that submission of the paper for publication has been approved by all of the authors.

2. Three copies and a diskette of any manuscript should be sent to the Editor. With prior permission, authors are welcome to submit their manuscript as an e-mail attachment.

● Editor : Professor Sang-Chul Park
Graduate School of International Studies, Korea Polytechnic University
237, Sangidaehak-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15073, Korea
Tel) +82-31-8041-0324; Fax) +82-31-8041-0349; E-mail) scpark@kpu.ac.kr

● Editor : Professor Yoo-Duk Kang
Department of Language and Trade, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
107 Imunro, Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul, 02450, Korea
Tel) +82-2-2173-3350; E-mail) ydkang@hufs.ac.kr

II. Paper Preparation

1. Papers must be in English, preferably with English orthography.

2. There is no standard length for articles. However, a high priority will be assigned to concise and lucid exposition.

3. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: the title, the name(s) of author(s) and an abstract of no more than 130 words. Institutional and departmental affiliation, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and acknowledgments should appear in the author footnote.

4. Headings and subheadings of the manuscript, figures and tables are to be numbered consecutively (I., 1., A., Figure 1., Table 1.). Footnotes (except author footnote) are to be numbered consecutively and placed where appropriate throughout the text. The captions and legends on tables and figures must be sufficiently descriptive that they are understandable without reference to the text. All but the most common abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are used in the manuscript.

5. Citations in the text or footnotes should give only name of author(s), year of publication, and possibly page numbers or chapter. For two-author citations, spell out both authors on all occurrences. In the case of a publication brought out jointly by three or more authors, it should be cited with “et al.” Use letters after years to distinguish multiple publications by the same author in the same year. For example:

  • ● as Smith (1990, pp. 10-15) points out
  • ● a recent study (Smith and Spencer, 1990a) shows
  • ● a recent study (Smith and Spencer, 1990a) shows

6. At the end of the paper there should be a complete list of references. It should be complete with first and last names of authors. For multiple-author publications, name all authors in the list of references. References to papers published in a journal should contain the name of publication, volume, month of publication, and year. The title of a journal must not be abbreviated. References to books should contain the city of publication, publisher, year of publication, and editors where relevant. For an industry or popular journal, do not cite author. Electronic references should have an address permitting retrieval. For example:

  • ● Allen, Franklin and Douglas Gale, Comparing Financial systems, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2000.
  • ● Asian Wall Street Journal, 22 April 1999.
  • ● Euromoney, Various issues, 1999-2000.
  • ● Hitt, Lorain M. and Eric Bryjolfsson, “Information technology and internal firm organization: An exploratory analysis", Journal of Management Information System, Vol.14, No.2, 1997.
  • ● Information Society Forum, “A European way for the information society", Third Annual Report, 1999. (http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/policy/isf/documents/rep-99/ISFReport-En.pdf)